The Way


The SES-Method’s Way

When looking to reach the goal of Optimal Health, one should walk the way across the fields of consciousness and mindfulness. Within the SES-Method, we summarize these values by using the specific term „Bewusst-SEIN“ (as the SES-Method’s origin is German, this key term will also remain German).

Bewusst-SEIN is best translated as „Being Conscious“ and means the way, the path, the procedure or approach or even the knowledge that helps us reach the goal of Optimal Health.

It is about walking this path mindfully, living in the here and now and devoting oneself to the matter. At this point, one should be mindful regarding the SES-Method’s sources of health in order to raise awareness for them and strengthen them in the long run.

The Bewusst-SEIN has to be studied and cultivated. This can be achieved in everyday life by consciously connecting body, mind and energy.




