

A target-oriented integrated Treatment from the Mind-Body Medicine by Lack of Energy, Exhaustion and Disease

Abstract: It is a medical cure executed under the guidance of Dr. Neter with the aim to heal and relief on all levels of health: on physical, mental and energetic levels, for leading to a balance of body and mind considering everybody’s individual needs on the way back to health. There are two effective SES-Cure-programs we use for prevention or in cases of actual disease and illness respectively. In these treatments we combine western therapy methods with far eastern healing techniques in accord with the SES-Method. The patient will receive body-centered attention whose effect greatly exceeds that of mere relaxing methods. Additionally, recommendations for supporting self-treatment at home are given.

Regardless of whether your intention is medical prevention, the preservation and strengthening of your health or rehabilitation and regeneration – you always benefit from a successful cure. It also leads to a balance of body and mind.

This particular cure according to the SES-Method is a medical cure which is implemented under the guidance of Dr. med. Angeli Neter.

In case of various diseases, the SES-Cure is the centerpiece of the treatment we offer, all in accordance with the Mind & Body Medicine principles. There are two lasting SES-Cure-programs: The SES-Serenity-Cure is adapted for prevention while the SES-Synergy-Cure helps in cases of actual disease and illness.

The SES-Cure therapy’s general aim is healing and relief on all levels of health: on physical, mental and energetic levels. Above all, the point is finding your inner calm or rather, resting in yourself. For this, we use western therapy methods combined with far eastern healing techniques in accord with the SES-Method.

How does the SES-Cure work?

A medical interview and consultation forms the SES-Cure’s foundation. Only a stable groundwork allows a solid cure-therapy – this is why we take the time required for intense, essential briefings and examinations.

The diagnostic results integrally from the principles oft he SES-Method, all within Mind & Body Medicine: It considers everybody’s individual needs and takes the disease’s causes into account. We offer an extensive range of medical examinations based on academic medicine which can be complemented by a far eastern diagnostic when required.

The following cyclic cure-treatment includes 7 to 10 individual appointments. The treatment takes place in our Asian-inspired therapy area on a daybed: In an especially furnished room (referred to as healing comfort zone), the medically guided, integrated SES-Cure will be carried out.

Its components are individually determined by your medical issue and your needs – you will receive body-centered attention whose effect greatly exceeds that of mere relaxing methods. For this, we use need-based combinations of the SES-breathing therapy, hot and cold sources for thermal usage on particular energy points, massages and more medical procedures. Furthermore, we use individual prepared oils, herbal remedies and other applications. Additionally, we give our patients recommendations for self-treatment at home.

To sum up, the SES-Cure is about the way back to health. On this way, the patient is lead in the direction of his or her healthy being. The SES-Cure finally results in the stabilization of your health; also, you will be less affected by anxiety or unrest.

We offer the following cure-treatments:
SES-Serenity-Cure (for prevention)
SES-Synergy-Cure (for actual disease)
